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under the moon什么意思

导读 【 under the moon什么意思 】1、具体如下:2、Under the moon is a science fiction novel written by the British writer
【#under the moon什么意思#】


2、Under the moon is a science fiction novel written by the British writer Rowena akinyemi. The novel tells a hole in the ozone layer used to block sunlight due to human damage to the environment.


4、Although mankind created the artificial ozone layer, it also lost its protective effect in 2522. What choice will mankind face?


6、It happened in 2222. Earth man created AOL - artificial ozone layer. The beautiful earth has 1000 years of life. The trees sprouted again, it rained, and there was water in the river.


8、But in 2522, the artificial ozone layer had burst. The young trees began to wither and the rivers dried up. Kay and Rilla saw the dangerous scene from their spaceship, but what could they do? Their friends lived in the tribe under the moon, but the road was far away, and the earth leader Gog refused to obey their command.


10、The author of this book, rovina akinyemi, is an Englishman. He has lived and worked in Africa for many years. She works and lives in Cambridge.


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